Here is a radical (or maybe just a grown-up?) theory of learning…
What if the big story of “lessons” to be learned in a practice room (or wherever) is: that the knowledge is always already ours for the taking? What if all the lessons are just freely available and free of charge? What if the learning you do is NOT the genius orchestration of some other (or “the universe”) pulling strings on your personal behalf? What if there is no cosmic babysitter, or even a technical babysitter?
What if the lessons learned were simply those you have identified out there in your environment when you were ready and, in a self-responsible fashion, finally took in to yourself? What if the unifying factor isn't another's omniscience but your intelligence?
I know it’s radical, this personal responsibility thing. I'm stating it in the extreme. But if you are at the other extreme then perhaps you need to be paying your teachers roughly $150 an hour to carry all your projections.
I hereby hail a new era of personal responsibility.